Saturday, January 5, 2008


The countdown has begun! I have exactly 16 days until my work for the Animales show has to be at the Facere Gallery in Seattle. The show will be, "Nine contemporary studio jewelers presenting a bevy of animal inspired sculpture to wear in metal, polymer clay, and found objects." Artists include: Ruth Altman, Lynette Andreasen, Melissa Calohan, Robert Coogan, Patricia Phillips, Jeanie Pratt, Gail Stefanek, Sarah Wilbanks, and Kristi Zevenbergen.
(The little red arrow is pointing to an image of my work.) I am SO excited and can't wait to send off my pieces.

Here is an image of a piece by artist Sarah Wilbanks who will also be participating in the show. Check back soon for images of the work I will be sending...