Saturday, October 13, 2007

Curratorial Attack

Last Wednesday I received the following email:

"Hello Fellow Graduate Students,

David Young and I (Marco Rosichelli) are curating a show to go inside our “Trojan Bike” art project, and would like to invite you (our colleagues) to “apply”. Your pieces will be sealed inside the“Trojan Bike” and then wheeled to the ASU Art Museum for a curatorial attack. The Show title is “Trojan Bike: A Curatorial Attack” Here are the guidelines for this curatorial attack:

1) Your piece has to fit inside the “Trojan Bike” (along with every ones pieces)
2) We need your piece by today... MIDNIGHT (Wednesday October10th)... Place your piece inside the bike, which is currently parked in front of the Sculpture Graduate Studios (you will know it when you see it)

3) We take no liability for any loss or damage incurred to you oryour artwork... after all... this is a Curatorial Attack

4) Update your CV with this awesome show (which is also a CuratorialAttack)any questions... call/email-Dave Young and Marco Rosichelli (Curators of the “Trojan Bike: ACuratorial Attack)"

I decided this would be fun and interesting to participate in, but wasn't sure I wanted to donate a valueable piece to the show. I created this paper and string necklace for the show. It was fun and I can't wait to see what becomes of the Trojan bike!

The "Trojan Bike"

My piece, "Linked" made of paper and thread.