Sunday, November 29, 2009

Tell Me What You Think of These...

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! I've been spending the weekend thoroughly enjoying having the studio to myself. ASU's studio is combined, grads and undergrads, which is usually great and I love it...just lately (as my thesis date is looming closer and closer) I have been really needing some silent alone working time in there! This weekend has been wonderful for that, although I still didn't get as much done as I would have liked. Here are some earrings I am playing around with. Tell me what you think...I can't decide if I think they are cheesy or not (I obviously don't want them to be, but if they are I want to know!) They are made from antique spoon handles on a children's silver spoon set. I like the idea of taking something that once belonged in a home, had a function, was associated with certain memories, and making it a new, wearable, re-invented heirloom. (Click on the image to enlarge.)


  1. I love them! It actually took me a second to realize they were silverware handles. I love the movement of the pearls from the thread and the red is very fitting of you. :) I don't think they are cheesy at all!

  2. I like the earrings. The way you folded the top over goes with the way you made the necklaces below. Also your explination of it coming from someone's home and memories is good. I approve! : )

  3. Lynette, I think these are gorgeous. At first I didn't realize they were spoon handles. I like that you're kind of breaking away from platters and moving onto other forms of serving dishes/utensils. These earrings tie in easily with your spoons that you worked with earlier, and could quickly become a production line. I like the use of red string and pearls, too. They add a nice contrast and delicacy.

  4. Thanks you guys! I think I will make a few more variations of these and just see how they do...they are fun to make but I havent made my mind up about them yet. Thanks for the input!

  5. I think they're great. I think the world has quite enough spoon/ fork rings and such things, but I love these. Your take on antiques is always classy, stylish, and timeless. I don't remember how I came across your blog, but Ive been following for a while. You make amazing things:-)

  6. wow, thanks! I guess Ill see where these lead...
