Sunday, November 29, 2009


I forgot to tell you guys that I went to the midnight showing of New Moon. Oh yeah, I totally did. And I have great friends who came along just to laugh at me when I got all giddy. It was one great night! You may notice in this picture that one face is blurry. Thats because this person wishes to remain anonymous...and I promised I'd blur her. So I did. Oh, and you may notice that I am wearing a team Edward shirt, because mostly, I am on that team, but this movie, ALMOST made me switch to team Jacob. Almost.


  1. I haven't read Twilight but seeing pictures like that make me want to. It reminds me of the fun I used to have in high school. We all need to recreate that level of giddiness once in a while.

  2. it was superfun. made me realize you can still have fun like that as an adult. i spend most of my time being way too serious!!

  3. I love that your friend wanted to remain anon. I feel like I need to blur my face for NOT having seen it yet. Talk about social outcast...
