Monday, April 26, 2010

A visit to my old stomping grounds.

This weekend I went down to tucson for the Pima County Fair. When I was growing up I was in 4-H club (I showed pigs and sheep) and spent a week at the fair every year. I love county fairs...the terrible food, the amazing people watching, the rides, attractions, the livestock shows, every little bit of it!

I got deep fried oreos...they were amazing...and probably took ten years off my life!I spent most of the weekend in the barn watching the livestock auctions. My parents still go and buy animals every year.I also went to the freak was weird. It had a two nosed cow, a siamese turtle, a six legged cow, a two headed pig and lots of other crazy weird stuff.
Gotta love the Footsie Wootsie!
The heart of America right here, meat, meat, and more meat.

And, I got to go to a Jake Owen concert! I'm a country girl at heart so I loved it.

It was a really great weekend!


  1. This is such a coincidence---we went to the Fair on Sunday to see on eof my student's prize-winning rabbits and YOU took a pic of it! I have a pic of me on Facebook with her---so funny!

  2. That is a crazy coincidence! Im surprised I didnt see you guys! I actually did see Jim on like Friday I think. I was dropping my dad off at Jack Furriers at Bear Canyon and Jim drove by in the parking lot in his police car. I waved but I dont think he knew who I was.

  3. i always wanted to go see the rabbits at the auction, looks so cute!
