Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Bob Ebendorf Workshop

A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to take a workshop from Bob Ebendorf down in Tucson. The workshop was called, "Jewelry as Personal Adornment." Bob taught us all kinds of creative captures, prong settings, etc. for joining alternative materials and found objects to metal. He has taught metalsmithing at East Carolina University for several years and shared a wealth of knowledge with us. I had such a great time getting back to basics and revisiting a technique that I hadn't done in a really long time. Bob has so much energy it was a non stop weekend of demos and entertainment!
Bob brought tons of awesome samples for us to look at!

Below are the pieces I brought to play with. Thanks to Lora Hart for the costume jewelry pieces and Katie Poterala for the antique drawer pull. I ended up only making something with the drawer pulls, I'm saving the costume jewelry for the perfect idea (an idea I don't have yet). I'll post pictures of the pieces I made with the drawer pulls as soon as I am able to photograph them.

Oh, and I had to include this picture because it is the view from the PCC studio in Tucson. Aren't they lucky? I love Tucson, its so beautiful!
Anyway, it was a great weekend and I had so much fun at the workshop!


  1. His pieces are incredible, especially the tree limb necklace-awesome. Can't wait to see what you've done with the drawer pulls.

  2. Yes! That necklace was my favorite!

  3. Oh, I'm so jealous that you got to take a workshop with him. He is the one who inspired me years ago and I've worked with found objects ever since. Love his work!
