Monday, October 5, 2009


I finished my piece (barely in the nick of time!) for the 10x10 benefit show at Mesa Art Center. Its laser engraved wood, copper, sterling silver, embroidery and a pearl. The little circle piece comes off as a detachable brooch, so it can live on the wall when you aren't wearing it. I couldn't make something without somehow making it wearable!!:)
Here are some photos to get your mouth watering (haha, jk!) for the show! Make sure to come out and support a great cause. All the details for the show are at the bottom of this post.
On October 10, 2009, there will be a benefit show at the Mesa Art Center. At the show they will have 10"x10" works for show and sale by 110 Arizona Artists. Each piece will be for sale for $100.00. First come, first pick and doors open at 6pm. All proceeds will benefit the Mesa Contemporary Arts Exhibitions and educational programs.
-$10 entrance fee at the door
-cash bar
I would love to see you all there. I LOVE the Mesa Art Center and think it is a great organization/facility to support. Come buy cool art for a good cause!!