Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Nathan Cummings Travel Fellowship Competition

I just recently had the opportunity to participate in a travel grant competition at ASU.
"The fellowship is awarded annually for the purpose of enabling a current Master of Fine Arts candidate to travel during the summer between passing the 15-hour review and preparing their thesis exhibition. The experience of The Grand Tour has long been an established tradition in the education of the whole person. For the visual artist, it has been a virtual necessity rather than a tradition. The benefits accrued through this experience by the young American artist has been well documented in modern art history. The fellowship is awarded to the student whose work and written statement best exemplifies the intent of The Grand Tour."
Each student makes a piece for the exhibition and writes a one page proposal stating what they would do/where they would go if awarded the money. I think the award usually ends up being about $5,000. There is also a second place award that is about $2,000.

Here is the show info:
March 9-20 Monday-Thursday 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; Friday 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
Award Announcement and Reception: Friday, March 20, Noon. Harry Wood Gallery

I took photos of the installation and each piece. I wish I could have the proposals here as well, but its just not feasible. It helps understand the pieces, but its just too much to read! Basically though, everyone wants to go somewhere different (ranging from LA to India) with hopes of being inspired and doing research for their work and thesis. This competition is a really big deal and is the most prestigious award for MFA Candidates to receive.

This was my piece for the show... (see better pics on my flickr here and here)


Lynette Andreasen

Area: metals

Found Antique Silver Platter, Embroidery

(above and below)Upward Embrace

Jesse Armstrong

Area: Ceramics

poplar, porcelain, kanthol wire


Surface Exploration
Jana Evans

Area: Ceramics

Glazed Porcelain

(above and below)


Suching Chen

Area: Ceramics

Glazed Porcelain

(above and below)

Peter Bugg

Area: Photography

40 lbs. of Tabloid Magazines and Physicians scale

(above and below) Exit

Sungyee Kim

Area: Drawing and Painting

Sumi Ink and Mixed Media on Panel

(above and below)

Momentary Conversations

Whitney Korstange

Area: Printmaking

Handmade paper, screen print and lazertran

(above and 2 below)


Natalia Jaeger

Area: Intermedia

video on canvas, the sounds of chocolate making, cocoa dusted frame, and artisans chocolates


Damian Johnson

Area: Sculpture



Emergency Meat

Nathaniel Lewis

Area: Sculpture

fabricated aluminum and silicone

(above and below)

Five Specimens in a Collection

Zac Zetterberg

Area: Painting and Drawing

Oil on Panel
(above and below)

I'll let you know who wins after noon on Friday!


  1. Oh wow - those are all fantastic. I particulary love the Octophone and Emergency Meat!

  2. Oh my gosh! You go to school with Whitney Korstange? I know her from Purdue. I miss must tell her I said hi! Small world.

  3. Those are incredible! I wish you'd shown more pictures of your own piece. I love your embroidered metal jewelry, and the platter looks amazing.

    Good luck!

  4. Thank you!

    Barb, I told whitney you said hi, and I gave her the link to your blog, she said she wanted to get back in touch!

  5. Lynette- I love your embroidered piece over the platter!! Gorgeous! I just wrote about it on my blog:
