I have been tagged by Chris Parry, a fellow etsy metal member! I have to tell you seven random facts about myself.
Here goes:
1. I hate light pollution. Very few things make me happier than being able to look up into the sky and see it sprinkled with beautiful, amazing, twinkling stars.
2. I love the desert. I love the cactus, the rock covered mountains, the dry warm air, the intense sunlight, the super hot weather...everything about it.
3. I love old trucks and in my dreams I drive a 1951 Chevy truck with stepsides, painted fire engine red.
4. I am hopeless when it comes direction...I can get lost anywhere...even if I've been somewhere a hundred times, I usually get lost. My parents didn't let me get my drivers license until I was 17 because they were afraid I would get lost and never come home.
5. I love to swim. I think that swimming is the most relaxing thing in the world because you just focus on the water...you can only hear your own breathing...there are no distractions and you are free to just think.
6. I love school. I love learning and if I could stay in school forever I probably would.
7. When I get stressed out about something, instead of doing whatever I need to do, I clean. I start scrubbing my tile grout with a toothbrush just so I don't have to face the stress. Dumb, I know.
So, thats 7 facts about me. Heres who I tag in no particular order:
Here's how this works:
THE RULES:**Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog.*Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.* Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their name as well as links to their blog.* Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
i clean the bathroom furiously whenever i get cranky.