Saturday, November 8, 2008

Its Over.

Well, my 15 hour review was yesterday. It was quite possibly the hardest thing I have ever done. I feel like I have been a stressed out crazy person since August. I really do not deal well with anxiety. It will be good to get back to normal (just slightly crazy and stressed out!). Anyway, basically I had a committee of 5 faculty that I had to talk about my work to. The committee was composed of my metals professor, two fibers professors, the wood professor, and an art historian. I had everything all set up and I had about a 20 minute talk prepared. I introduced myself, talked about why I was in grad school, and why I chose ASU. I then began to talk about my work, going pretty much chronologically through everything I have done in the last year and a half. I explained each piece, the thought process behind, the techniques, and all the ideas about it. I talked about what I learned from each of the pieces and how they led me into what I did next. When I was done talking I opened up the floor for questions. Their first response, the first thing they said the second I quit talking was, "Wow, you have been busy." I can't even begin to tell you how good it felt to hear that. I have put everything else in my life behind this. I have put school first for so just felt like ok, it has been worth it. I do feel like I need to find a better balance though. Anyway, then they went on to ask me lots of questions and to make comments about my work and ideas. They asked things like what I was reading (and then they told me I needed to broaden my reading horizons which is totally true), who I looked at for inspiration (I had a big long list for that), where I saw the work heading, etc. They also asked questions more specific to my work like why I was using certain colors, why the found objects were important, why I was using certain symbols, why why why why why why why. They gave me tons of feedback, all positive. They encouraged me to check out some artists they named and to consider some things that I hadn't thought of before. They helped me see my work in an objective way. Then they sent me out and deliberated. After a few minutes they let me back in and shook my hand. I passed! Within an hour and a half, it was all over. I talked so much all the moisture in my mouth dried up and I couldn't feel my tongue! I was so nervous, I don't think I have ever sweat so much in my whole life (which says a lot since I live in Arizona!) It was hard and not fun and pretty much horrible (or at least all the moments leading up to it were horrible) but now its all over and I have a lot to think about. I am really grateful for all the positive feedback I was given and for all the new directions I can now take my work....Which is good, becuase now I have to get to work on my thesis.
I decided to take the weekend off and am enjoying a couple of days with my family in Tucson.


  1. Well done! Have a nice relaxing weekend!

  2. congrats on a successful review! enjoy your weekend off.

  3. YIPEE!!! I'm so happy for you! All your work is so beautiful! You are so talented! :)

  4. Congratulations Lynnette! Sounds like all the stress and hard work paid off. Well done! :)

  5. Congratulations Lynette! I'm so happy for you. You've had a wonderful opportunity for learning your craft, being able to fully explore an idea/concept and perfect a recognizable style. I can't wait to see how your work develops.

  6. Congratulations! Your review results look to be well earned!

  7. Thanks you guys! Im grateful for all of your support!

  8. I was nervous and stressed just reading about your nervousness and stress - MAN!

    I can't wait to read the artist's statement where they makes you sound better than you make yourself sound or however you worded it. Everyone should have someone do that for their life, huh? (or at least their profile)

  9. oh that is wonderful!!! i can only imagine how nerve wracking it must have been - and how relieving to have it alllll over! congrats!!!

  10. Congrats again! Sounds like you deserved a little vacation. :D

  11. I'm so glad you got through that. I had no doubt you would pass with flying colors!
