Monday, September 15, 2008

1000 Hearts

I just reached the 1000 Hearts milestone on Etsy! Crazy!
...and am only blogging about it because I am trying to put off writing my art history paper...


  1. Woo Hoo! It's a great accomplishment. And I agree, a wonderful procrastination tool.

  2. I agree with Lora on both accounts. I love procrastinating. I am also glad to be among those that heart you :)

  3. How cool - and way to go! I didn't know they had such a thing on Etsy b/c I'm not on there very often, but hey - it's gotta be good publicity!

  4. so wait a minute. Are you like way bigger than any of us have ever imagined? Do I need to start stammering in your presence because I'm so nervous to be talking to someone famous?

  5. Thats right Jana. Watch out, here I come:)

  6. Congratulations! & 1 of those <3's is from me:)
