Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Slipping Away

I finished this piece today. Its a two part wall piece made of altered silver platters and embroidery. I really need to learn how to take photos of wall pieces. My pictures are terrible but I don't know how to do it! Help anyone? Its really annoying because the platters have a mirror like polish, and everything reflects in them!
Anyway, I am happy with how the piece turned out. Its very technically simple, but I think it really has a lot to say to the viewer. What do you see in it?


  1. oooooo this piece turned
    out freaking great!!!
    i love the different colored

    i dont have any advice to the wall
    pictures though...
    however i was at the brass armadillo
    2 days ago and they had several neat
    silver platers! i took pics of
    them for ya and i was gonna just
    get them but,
    i wasnt sure if youd want me to
    or not XD

    anyways i also love your new necklaces!!! very nice!

  2. Do you have a big light box or anything that would diffuse the light enough to help with the glare?
    You can get large diffusion panels and/or build your own light box using wood/a big cardboard box, and fabric.

  3. thanks Barb...I will have to try that. I can do small jewelry, but these wall pieces are really throwing me off!

  4. These are really beautiful, Lynette!

