I swore I wasn't going to blog about this, but everyone I know keeps asking me why I haven't yet. Okay Okay. I didn't want to announce to the world what a dork I am, but you talked me into it. On Friday I went to the midnight release party at Barnes and Noble to pick up my copy of Breaking Dawn. Yes, I braved the crowds, hundreds of screaming squealing girls, crazy people in costumes, and the embarrassment of being in the middle of it all just so I could read it ASAP. Breaking Dawn is the 4th and final book in the Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer. I heard about the books a couple of years ago but didn't want to jump on the trend train and read them. Then when I went to Tennessee this summer I needed some reading material for the airplane and I caved in and bought them. I ended up reading the first 3 books in 6 days and then twice more since I got them in June. I got the 4th one, Breaking Dawn, at Midnight on Friday and finished it yesterday afternoon (its almost 800 pages). I read all night and all day until I was done. Anyway, I don't want to give anything away for the people that haven't read it yet, but I am curious about you guys... Do I have any fellow Twilight fans? Please say yes... If not, give them a try. They are really good! They say Stephenie Meyer is the new JK Rowling. There is even a movie coming out in December. You better believe I will be there opening night:) Check out the trailers...
I'm just finishing up re-reading the first three in prep for #4 - now I just have to borrow 4 for someone. Nerdiest thing I've ever done too. Oh well.
ReplyDeleteI love being nerdy, ok not really but I love these books enough to be nerdy. I'd write more but I'm only on page 240 so I need to get back to neglecting my children.
ReplyDeleteDenise you are hilarious. Yeah...those books just totally suckered me in...I had to re-read the first 3 too Sara...mostly because I just couldnt handle the anticipation of waiting.
ReplyDeleteso yes you're a nerd, and so are the thousands of other people who are into this series.....read a cool series like Goosebumps, those were the days
ReplyDeleteI'm somewhere around 300 pages now, hopefully you'll have your book back soon. :) THANK YOU, THANK YOU!! (I barely managed to pry myself away from it so I could email some pics to my grandma and check out a few blogs.)
ReplyDeleteI read the first one, and then never read the other ones... but maybe I should give them a try. I used to read V.C. Andrews when I was younger and that's what the first book sort of reminded me of, not that the stories are anything alike, but the sense of suspension and tension is totally there. (I like Harry Potter better though... so I'm a super nerd!)