I've been scanning in old family photos to possibly use in my platter pieces. These are of my dad and his brothers in the late 1950's and early 1960's. My favorite is the one in the car. I will probably start a piece with this photo this week.
What cool old pictures! I'll bet your family would like a copy of them too. My mom is in the process of scanning in 600+ of her family's old black & white photos so everyone can have a copy - lots of work! But in the end it will be worth it.
I'll be curious to see what kind of cool art stuff you end up making with those photos. I hope you will post a picture of the finished product on your blog. :)
What cool old pictures! I'll bet your family would like a copy of them too. My mom is in the process of scanning in 600+ of her family's old black & white photos so everyone can have a copy - lots of work! But in the end it will be worth it.
ReplyDeleteI'll be curious to see what kind of cool art stuff you end up making with those photos. I hope you will post a picture of the finished product on your blog. :)