Tuesday, June 17, 2008

A Very Important Day: Etsy Front Page, Etsy Anniversary, and Blog Anniversary!

Wow...so no idea how this happened, but I managed to make it onto etsy's front page twice today! Crazy! And I am in 1 other treasury as well. I am so excited! Thanks knitfitt, ZsBCreations, and moyou!
I also just realized that tomorrow is a very important Anniversary. One year ago today I posted my first blog post, and opened up my etsy shop. So, I guess its my Blogiversary and my Etsiversary. What a year, and what a way to celebrate! And yes, I did just say Blogiversary:)


  1. Don't you know it's traditional to do a give-a-way on your blogiversary? If you're a big wig. Which it seems you are becoming.

    hint hint.

  2. You are right, I should...but I just did! A girls gotta pay tuition some how...and the more giveaways there are, the less tuition money there is:)
