Monday, June 30, 2008


A few months ago I was asked to do a commission for a 25th wedding anniversary (the silver anniversary) present from a husband to his wife. Although a bit intimidated, I was really excited about it. Through lots of brainstorming with other family members and friends of the family, I was able to come up with an idea for the gift. I had started collecting old silverplated platters a number of months ago with vague ideas for them in mind, and this opportunity seemed perfect for some of my ideas. So I pitched the idea of creating silhouetted portraits on antique silver platters to the family and they were excited about the idea. Then I got to work! I collected photos of all the family members and turned them into silhouettes. Then I made hardware for the platters to hang from. I think that was my favorite part...not sure why. I also made these little fluer shapes that have the anniversary date stamped into them.
It took me forever to get 5 platters that were the same basic oval shape. They are all different, and I like that they look old. I want to make more! After weeks of work and worry, I finished the platters and was really happy with how they turned out! I delivered them to the family this weekend and got a great response. I was glad they asked me to do the project and that they gave me so much freedom to work. I had a lot of fun and know it was a great experience for me!


  1. OMG
    those are soo neat!
    they turned out lovely!

  2. What an incredible project!! I love the hardware too. You did such a fantastic job.

  3. Totally original. I really like that idea.Your execution is excellent.

  4. Your work has become so distinct and incredible! You are so very talented lady.
