Sunday, May 25, 2008

Juried MFA Summer Exhibition

I wanted to post some images from the summer MFA juried show that is up at ASU right now. It is up until September, so if you can stop by you should. There is some great work in this show!
These pillow-like cakes are the work of Mindy Sue Meyers.
As are these felty fruits...
The sulpture seen on the right in this photo below is the work of Mike Thomas and actually won first place in the show.
It has a motion detector and when you approach the string starts to wind and wrap itself in the jar.
This is the work of my studio-mate Victoria Altepeter.
A detail...
This is her work as well, a set of seven amazing belt buckles!

I absolutely LOVE this painting by Claudio Dicochea.
And this small paper sculpture by fibers grad Sally Gilmore.
These floor tiles are made of white out tape and are the work of Nick Deford.These brightly painted, veneered, wallpapered, and hollow constructed wood sculptures are the work of Ellie Richards. I loved this mixed media painting by Sungyee Kim. And this piece called "Suckle" by Lisa Von Koch. Its a pile of wax covered water bottles, lit from underneath.
This teapot is the work of Jana Evans.I espcially enjoyed this diptych commenting on object vs. image by Ryan Miller.

Go check out the show! Its AWESOME!

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