Sunday, March 2, 2008

Yuma Symposium: The Breakdown

Well, if you read my previous post, I'm sure you all can see how much fun the pin swap is, but there are so many other things to tell as well!!The 3 day art symposium takes place in old downtown Yuma. Mostly we hang out a lot at Lutes Casino (not a real casino) and the old theater...This was some of our crew this year...From left: Jonathan, Ellie, me, Jim, Flavia, and Jacie.Almost all of us shared a hotel suite, and just in case you were wondering, 7 people in one suite is too many!But, we had a GREAT time!We were espcially glad that Ellie, a woods grad student, came along to join in the fun!One of my favorite parts of the symposium is the pin auction. Each year an auction is held to raise money to keep the symposium going. I always try to buy something, but this year I got to donate a piece as well. I scored this amazin ring by awesome metalsmith Andy Cooperman...
This necklace below was my contribution this year. I was a little sad to see it go, but was happy that it went to such a good new home. This sweet girl from Cabrillo College will take good care of it I'm sure!
Another fun part of the symposium is the student show. Here is Ellie next to her piece.
She creates really beautiful minimal wood forms. These are bent laminated, hollow constructed, veneered and covered with vintage wallpaper. Gorgeous. I love her work!
Here I am next to my piece...
Here is a better shot...

Then each night there is a bonfire where lots of people just hang out and talk. One of the things that I love about the Yuma Symposium is that you get to go and hang out with really well known people in the metals field in a really casual setting. It is a great way to network and get your work seen by people who really know their stuff. Another highlight of the symposium is the saw file solder sprints. Here we are getting pumped.
The saw, file, solder sprint is a relay race for metalsmiths. The object is to make a simple band ring. ASU has won several times. Each team competes for artist made trophies. Our studio has a whole shelf of trophies, but there is always room for more!

Jonathan went first and had to saw out the ring blank.
Then I went and had to file and form the ring.
Victoria went last and had to solder. We didn't win this year, but are already getting ready to reclaim our title next year.It was a ton of fun and I am already looking forward to next year! My next post will be about all the presenters and artists that I saw/met at the symposium, so check back!


  1. This looks like so much fun!!! What a great community to be a part of!!!

  2. I love how you always upload a ton of pictures so that we can really see (and be incredibly jealous of) all the cool stuff you are doing.

    Seriously, I'm drooling over here.
