Well, the weekend kicks off with a crazy PIN SWAP! All symposium attendees are encouraged to make trade pins to bring and swap. Its a great way to meet people and come home with awesome accessories!
These are some of my favorite pins that I traded for...
This one above has to be my absolute favorite. Traded by Doug Macdonald, who has at times been a foe, but I think has now passed to friend:) (Joking by the way) 

This one above was made by ASU alum John Hayes.
I love my new baby anvil!!!
Someone was also passing out old costume jewlery at the swap. I can't believe I got this little beauty. It goes perfectly with my current work. You will see this again for sure!
And last but not least, this pin made by my professor Becky McDonah because there is always something else to do. Like how I am blogging when I need to finish a scholarship application, AND photograph student work, AND grade, AND go to the studio, AND prepare for teaching this week AND....
These were my pins this year (bad castings of hands, ah well)...

Its fabulous...there aren't even words...
This is a kiln cast glass moon by friend and fellow grad student Victoria Altepeter. I think it looks like a goldfish in a fish bowl.
This one above is by Betsy Douglas. She made 130 pins to trade this year and was at the first ever Yuma Symposium (29 years ago!). Thats old school! One of the sweetest ladies you will ever meet in the world by the way, and also an ASU alum!
Tedd McDonah, asu professor, was trading his fishing lures...SWEET!

I really liked this one because it remined me of my hometown (Tucson)! Actually, now that I think about it, so does this one below...

This little ant was made especially for me (no one else got one exactly the same) by Lauren Diggs, thanks Lauren!

Check back soon for my post on the rest of the symposium!
I love all those pins, especially the felt ones - if that's what they call it.
I used to work for the Yuma Daily Sun back from 1999 to 2000 or so. I covered the Yuma Art Symposium twice, and also came out and watched the Saw, File and Solder Sprints. Want to actually attend the event, one of these days.
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