Wednesday, August 15, 2007


How exciting!! I've been tagged by Megan Auman (here) as a Rockin Girl Blogger! Megan makes beautiful steel and fine silver jewlery which can be found here and is pictured above. It seems the reason behind this is to give recognition to female bloggers. So, that means I must now tag 5 other Rockin Girl Bloggers, and they in turn tag five and so on. So, here are my five choices:
Ashley Akers - Gorgeous Jewley
Mandy also known as Belle & Boo - Very cute illustration work
Jackie Coooper - Beautiful Photography
Shannon Rankin - Interdisciplinary artist who makes very unique vellum and gocco collages
Deborah Gwinn-Scott "Moth to Flame Studios" - Beautiful Bleach Paintings
These artists all have really great work that is very worthy of your time so please check them out!


  1. Your jewelry is very unique! Keep up the great work:)

  2. Thanks! I don't think I could stop doing what I love if I tried!:)

  3. I had no idea! I don't know why I have never even asked you what you do or what you are studying but I am seriously impressed. You are sooooo (I know all the o's are very middle school but I lack creativity) talented. I am going to pass your website on to my friends and family. And absolutely no prob with the class on Sunday, there were still only 4 all together so it was no big deal. I'll tell you more about all their little boy "antics" on Sunday. See you soon.
