Jonathan Brown is another graduate student in metals at Arizona State University. His work is beautiful small scale sculpture. Through his work Jonathan attempts to create other, smaller, more isolated worlds. These nano worlds are a place of imagination and escape. These are some of his pieces.
(The piece above is my absolute is so beautiful. It is called, "Gothic Garden")
"Vase with Figure" "Spyglass?" "Spyglass?" (Detail)
I am a metalsmith, educator, wife, and mother, living the life of an ex-pat in Doha, Qatar. I moved to Doha from Arizona, where I had previously spent most of my life. I earned a Bachelors of fine art in metals in 2006, and a Masters of Fine Arts in Metals in 2010. I was the resident artist at the Mesa Art Center from 2010-2013, and an adjunct professor in metals at Central Arizona College. I am currently trying to balance navigating/living in a foreign country with being a mother and a practicing artist. My blog is a place for me to share my thoughts, experiences, successes and failures with you.
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