Thursday, July 19, 2007

"Connection Series"

This summer I had a goal to get some of my jewelry into a gallery. I've been finding a million ways to keep myself busy and away from that little task. It's funny the things I can convince myself that need to be done first (like creating business cards, a blog, and custom return address labels with my name and logo). Well, after much procrastination, I am finally approaching that task and starting on a line of sterling silver embroidered jewelry. I finished the first piece yesterday and am almost finished with a second. Here are some pictures of the first piece in progress. I will be posting pictures of the pieces that will follow as soon as I finish them. If you are a frequent gallery attender and know of a place my work would fit well into, by all means, let me know. After I make the pieces I have the daunting task of searching out a gallery who will show me. Yikes!

This picture was taken of the top piece that I sew into and the back of the bottom piece which is what the top piece is set into. The back piece has two hooks which will be where the chain attaches. This way the piece serves dually as pendant and clasp. (I took these pictures right on my bench so, sorry for the ugly background!)

This is a picture of the pendant as I am embroidering on it. In the background is the back piece with the prongs which the embroidered piece will be set into.

This is a picture of the finished pendant. I embroidered the top piece and then prong set it into the back piece.

This shows the back of the pendant and how it works as both pendant and clasp.

This is the finished piece, complete with oxidized chain. This necklace is for sale in my Etsy shop.

Check back for more as I hope to have several more pieces completed before school starts!

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