So, I realize I've been terrible at updating this lately. And the reason for that is that I've been insanely busy...and that I have a ton of things to post! I just finished teaching for the session (I have the ENTIRE summer off) so I will have lots of time to redeem myself shortly and show you all what I have been up to. But, before I do that, I have to jet off to the SNAG conference in Seattle. While there I will be participating in the first ever SNAG trunk show. I hadn't actually intended on participating (because I knew I was too busy to make the inventory I would want to take) but someone had to drop out and I got asked to fill in. Soooo, I will be participating in the trunk show with some older pieces and a handful of new jewelry to sell. Lets hope I can make a ton of new work between now and Tuesday...(hahahaha).
I will try to post pics before I head out but I am not making any promises...

I will try to post pics before I head out but I am not making any promises...