We've been attending a branch of our church in the village of Dededo since we arrived on Guam. I like going to church here.
The branch is small (maybe 80 people) but it feels big.
There is so much culture.
The people here are from so many different places and backgrounds.
I have learned so much in the few weeks we have been here.
We have been welcomed with open arms by everyone.
We have made friends I know I will miss when I leave. The people here are so kind and generous.
We have met people from Tonga, Samoa, Pohnpei, Chuuk, The Philippines, Fiji, Guam, Japan, Liberia, etc.
These people have come from very different cultures, upbringings, and places from us, but we all share the same faith.
It's strange to come from so far, and yet still have so much in common. The feelings I have about this are overwhelming.
Its an amazing feeling.
It’s amazing to me that I can have so much in common with someone who is so different from me.
Anyway, the church had a cultural night on Saturday. Basically it was a big party (they call them fiestas here) where people set up tables about the countries they were from, shared foods from their land, and told others about their culture.